The products in this sample box demonstrate FHI 360’s ability to successfully accomplish the program tasks described in RFQ No. 2016-Q-65634, including formative assessment, communication/marketing materials development, strategic and marketing/dissemination planning, outreach to key target audiences, usability and content testing, and promotion and training for online tools and resources.

National Diabetes Prevention Program Website

Expanded and redesigned website for the National Diabetes Prevention Program, developed with targeted information for key audiences and usability tested to ensure effectiveness of content and navigation.

Start Talking. Stop HIV. Los Angeles Pride GIF

Start Talking. Stop HIV. Los Angeles Pride GIF

One of six city-specific GIFs (animations) to promote the Start Talking. Stop HIV. campaign presence in implementation cities. These GIFs feature unique landmarks in these cities. One was displayed on…

National DPP Overview Infographic

Infographic developed for the CDC Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) to provide an overview of the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

The New (Ab)Normal

Infographic developed for the Communities Putting Prevention to Work National Prevention Media Initiative.

Making the Business Case for Prevention: Healthy Options Sell in a Food Desert

Video about how a grocery store in Omaha, Nebraska is helping the community by selling healthy food options.

PreventT2 Employers and Insurers Outreach Plan

Outreach plan to increase enrollment in the Lifestyle Change Program by educating employers and insurers to include it in their benefits packages and to influence insurers to include…

NCCOR Measures Registry

The Measures Registry is a searchable database of diet and physical activity measures relevant to childhood obesity research. Its purpose is to standardize use of common measures and…

PreventT2 Spanish Ad Concepts

Ad concepts for testing with Spanish-speaking consumer audience.

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Presentation

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Presentation

Presentation marketing the PreventT2 lifestyle change program to health care professionals to encourage patient referrals.

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Outreach Toolkit

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Outreach Toolkit

Toolkit to help reach organizations reach out to health care providers with core messages about the PreventT2 lifestyle change program in a concise, efficient way.

Findings from National DPP Usabililty and Content Assessment

Findings from National DPP Usabililty and Content Assessment

Presentation of findings from usability testing for expanded and redesigned National Diabetes Prevention Program website.

PreventT2 Materials Testing: In-Depth Interview Research with Consumers

PreventT2 Materials Testing: In-Depth Interview Research with Consumers

Report of findings from in-depth interviews to test PreventT2-branded materials with consumers who have prediabetes or are at-risk for type 2 diabetes.

Materials testing In-depth Interview research with Insurance Professionals

Materials testing In-depth Interview research with Insurance Professionals

Report of findings from in-depth interviews to test PreventT2-branded materials with insurance professionals. Similar testing was conducted with employers and health care professionals.

MARC - Peer Up! Brochure

MARC – Peer Up! Brochure

FHI 360 developed a comprehensive national-level toolkit for a peer-led approach to increase self-management and decrease hospitalization of end stage renal disease patients.

Report on Message and Materials Triad Testing with Health Care Professionals

Report on Message and Materials Triad Testing with Health Care Professionals

Report of findings from triads conducted with health care professionals to test messages and materials related to the National Diabetes Prevention Program and lifestyle change program. Similar testing…

Spanish Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Resources Environmental Scan

Spanish Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Resources Environmental Scan

On a current contract, FHI 360 conducted an environmental scan of Spanish-language websites and resources for preventing type 2 diabetes.

National DPP Website Content Inventory

National DPP Website Content Inventory

To redesign the National DPP website, FHI 360 conducted a thorough content inventory of the old site to identify gaps and content and resources that could be repurposed…

Findings from Consumer Focus Groups

Findings from Consumer Focus Groups

Presentation of findings from consumer testing of PreventT2 brand elements and messages and materials related to the National Diabetes Prevention Program and lifestyle change program.

Branding, Message, and Materials Testing Focus Group Research with Consumers

Branding, Message, and Materials Testing Focus Group Research with Consumers

Report of findings from consumer testing of PreventT2 brand elements and messages and materials related to the National Diabetes Prevention Program and the lifestyle change program. Similar testing…

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Recommendation Form

A simple, easy-to-complete form for health care providers to give their patients who are eligible to participate in the PreventT2 lifestyle change program. Updated in 2016.

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Mailing Insert

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Mailing Insert

Mailing insert providing quick information about the PreventT2 lifestyle change program. Updated in 2016.

PreventT2 Healthcare Providers Fact Sheet

PreventT2 Health Care Providers Factsheet

Two-page fact sheet for health care providers about the PreventT2 lifestyle change program. Updated in 2016.

Baseline National DPP Web Metrics Report from Old Site

Baseline National DPP Web Metrics Report from Old Site

FHI 360 ran a yearly report of key web metrics for the old National DPP website to establish a baseline for comparison with the new site.

Quarterly Web Metrics Report with Recommendations

Quarterly Web Metrics Report with Recommendations

FHI 360 provides CDC with quarterly recommendations to increase usage of the new National DPP website.

Monthly Web Metrics Report

Monthly Web Metrics Report

FHI 360 provides CDC with monthly web metrics reports on key metrics for the National DPP website.

Start Talking. Stop HIV. PrEP Infographic (English)

Infographic explaining what PrEP is, how it works, and how to access it.

Brand Launch Webinar

Webinar for grantees to introduce the new PreventT2 branded marketing materials and discuss suggestions for use.

Reasons/Razones Memes

Memes for posting and sharing.

Start Talking. Stop HIV. Textnovela (Episode 2)

One of three shareable animations encouraging open communication among partners. The series received over 1.2 million views on Facebook.

Start Talking. Stop HIV. Los Angeles Pride GIF

One of six city-specific GIFs (animations) to promote the Start Talking. Stop HIV. campaign presence in implementation cities. These GIFs feature unique landmarks in these cities. One was…

Start Talking. Stop HIV. New Year Resolution Memes

Memes and Facebook covers images highlighting specific campaign markets.

Reasons/Razones Social Media Cover Photos

Images created for Facebook and Twitter pages.

PrEP – An HIV Prevention Option (Are you ready for PrEP?)

Video describing PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), how to access it, and whether it is a good prevention option for you. Also available in Spanish.

MARC – Dialysis Care: Communication for Quality Training Modules for Patient Care Staff

Diabetes Prevention Economic Impact Toolkit

Redesigned user interface for cost calculator for employers, insurers, and states to demonstrate economic value of offering a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program as a covered health benefit.

ConsumerStyles Fall 2013 Report

Summary report of findings of obesity related questions from ConsumerStyles.

Community Health Improvement Navigator Infographic

Community Health Improvement Navigator infographic developed for the Office of the Associate Director for Policy (OADP).

Why Do I PreventT2? – Cynthia Johnson

Video about a participant’s experience in the PreventT2 lifestyle change program.

State Strategies Webinar

State Strategies to Improve Health and Control Cost webinar.

Social Marketing and Communication – Webinar

Online learning event (OLE) about social marketing and communication. Each LOE combines learning sessions with hands-on practice and application of key skills in the learning areas.

Spokesperson Training – Webinar

Example communication webinar.

Being an Effective Spokesperson: A How To Guide

A how to guide developed for DCH awardees about being an effective spokesperson.

Message Framework Worksheet

Message framework worksheet developed for DCH awardees.

Social Determinants of Health Website

Social Determinants of Health website developed for the Office of the Associate Director for Policy (OADP).

PreventT2 Newspaper Ad

Newspaper ad (three sizes) for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program.

Reasons/Razones Facebook Page

Facebook page for the Reasons/Razones social marketing campaign to encourage HIV testing among Latino men who have sex with men (LMSM), as part of CDC’s Act Against AIDS…

National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR)

Website for the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR).

National DPP Grantee Training & Technical Assistance Presentation – “Marketing to Employers/Insurers (E/I)”

This webinar shared tools and strategies for encouraging employers and insurers to offer the National DPP lifestyle change program to people at high risk for type 2 diabetes…

PreventT2 Presentation for Employers

Presentation marketing the PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program to employers.

Video Testing Summary

Summary of feedback from business representatives and the broader community on two Division of Community Health videos: “Demostrando el Caso de Negocios para la Prevención: Las Frutas y…

Demostrando el Caso de Negocios para la Prevención: Las Frutas y Verduras Se Venden Solas

Spanish-language video featuring the experience of corner store owners in Omaha, Nebraska, when they began offering more fresh produce and other healthy food options.

Why Do I PreventT2? – Corrine Tiliano

Video about a participant’s experience in the PreventT2 lifestyle change program.

Why Do I PreventT2 – Susy Gomez

Video about a participant’s experience in the PreventT2 lifestyle change program.

Prediabetes Infographic

Infographic developed for the CDC Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) National Diabetes Prevention Program to position prediabetes as a serious health problem and show how people with prediabetes…

Diabetes Snapshot Infographic

Infographic developed for the CDC Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) National Diabetes Prevention Program to present overview of burden of diabetes in the United States.

OADP Community Health Improvement Navigator Communication / Promotion Strategy

Strategic communication/promotion plan for OADP’s Community Health Improvement Navigator, designed to help hospital administrators to work with local public health agencies and other stakeholders to accelerate community health…

CDC’s Office of the Associate Director of Policy (OADP) Strategic Communication Plan Chart

Strategic communication plan for CDC’s Office of the Associate Director for Policy is to a) position CDC as a leader in population health policy and in the transforming…

Start Talking. Stop HIV. – 2014–15 Strategic Implementation Plan

Strategic implementation plan for the Start Talking. Stop HIV. social marketing effort targeting gay and bisexual men, as part of CDC’s Act Against AIDS campaign.

DCH Communication Planning Tool

Communication planning tool to help CDC’s Division of Community Health awardees plan communication activities for paid, earned, partner, and digital/social media efforts to support and sustain their programs’…

Promotion of Chronic Disease Self-Management Education – Preliminary Marketing Plan

Strategic marketing plan to market the concept of self-management education (SME) as a way to manage chronic disease to consumers, in addition to promoting individual SME programs.

CDC Business Engagement Strategic Communication Plan 2015–2016

The CDC Business Engagement Strategic Communication Plan 2015–2016 outlines how CDC’s Business Engagement Activity (BEA) can, over 18 months, use current and potentially new communications to share partnership…

Estilos Fall 2013 Report

Summary report of findings of obesity-related questions from Estilos, a survey of Hispanic populations in English and Spanish.

National Asthma Control Initiative (NACI) Tip Sheets

Spanish and English tip sheets that provide patients, caregivers, educators, and health care professionals with instructions for proper use and cleaning of common asthma devices.

Our Community Deserves Campaign

Spanish and English campaign materials developed for the Division of Community Health that focus on topics such as increased physical activity for kids and access to healthy food…

PreventT2 Insurer Message Map

Internal guide on developing materials for and communicating with insurers about the PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program.

PreventT2 Employer Fact Sheet

Two-page fact sheet for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program targeting employers.

PreventT2 Employers and Insurers Outreach Toolkit

Toolkit designed to help organizations reach out to employers and insurers with core messages about the PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program in a concise, efficient way.

Business Case Talking Points

Talking points to make the business case for the National Diabetes Prevention Program to employers or insurers.

National DPP Grantee Training & Technical Assistance Presentation – “Using Social Media to Drive Enrollment”

This webinar provided tips on using social media to promote the National DPP to people at high risk for type 2 diabetes, shared lessons learned from fellow grantees…

National DPP Grantee Training & Technical Assistance Presentation – “Conducting Consumer Outreach”

This webinar allowed grantees to become familiar with the National DPP Consumer Materials Toolkit, helped them obtain insight into conducting consumer outreach to promote the National DPP to…

PreventT2 Web Banner

Sample website banner and embed code for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program featuring multiple options to tailor outreach by audience race/ethnicity and motivators.

PreventT2 Social Media Content

Sample Facebook and Twitter posts for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program.

PreventT2 Radio Scripts

Radio scripts for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program. Includes radio announcements designed for :10, :15, :30, and :60-second spots.

PreventT2 Press Release

Two-page press release for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program.

PreventT2 Poster

Postcard for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program featuring multiple options to tailor outreach by audience race/ethnicity and motivators

PreventT2 Postcard

Postcard for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program featuring multiple options to tailor outreach by audience race/ethnicity and motivators.

PreventT2 Fact Sheet

Two-page general information fact sheet for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program.

PreventT2 Brochure

Brochure for PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program featuring multiple options to tailor outreach by audience race/ethnicity.

How to Use the PreventT2 Consumer Materials

Overview of all PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program consumer materials and how to use strategically for outreach; developed under first National DPP contract.

How Healthy is Your State? Widget

Interactive, online widget that displays Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data by state and year.

Community Health Collaborative Space

Interactive, password-protected online community where Division of Community Health awardees can share resources, start discussions, and network with other community health professionals doing similar work.